Category Archives: Uncategorized

Update on Big Pharma

Well, we finally had the new set of blood work done on my husband.  With everything that we have done, medications, vitamins, diet, exercise, ionic foot baths.  His levels have come down considerably.

As far as diet, we cut out beef, pork.  We only have chicken, turkey and some fish.  The chicken and turkey is organic. I am careful with the vegetables I cook.  We eat a lot of salad for lunch and we really don’t go out much to eat.

If you have never gone for a ionic foot bath, try it out because it removes toxins from your body.  A better functioning body helps with daily function. I believe, detoxing your body and organs helps your body function better. An ionic foot bath, with a little research on your part, would be found at a spa or wellness center.  I am fascinated how they work.  It is simple and easy and very relaxing.

As much as I would love to see my husband not be on these drugs, he really does not have a choice.  I need at this time to pick my battles.  Once on drugs, always on drugs.

Update on our life with Big Pharma

So my husband’s doctor took him off the cholesterol medication was he was on.  Asked him to take a new drug in January, which I felt was dangerous due to the side-effects.  Started him on Red Rice Yeast.  He went for blood work and boy what a shock.

His cholesterol and triglycerides were dangerously high.  He had no chance but the start the medication from January and she added another medication for the triglycerides. She told him to only eat chicken and vegetables and fruit. I am only giving him organic as GMO is of no help to him.

He just went for blood work this morning and will be going to the doctor next week to get the results. I am hoping for only good news?  We will see.

I have had us go for ionic foot baths the past two weeks and we will see how that helps him. For those of you who do not know what an ionic foot bath is – it pulls toxins out of your body through the bottom of your feet.  It is awesome and well worth it.  We are subject to so many toxins now that our bodies just cant handle it.

We us good luck and say prayers for him.  I will keep you posted as to what happens.




Big Pharma ?????? Do they really know what they are doing?????

So my husband has been on cholesterol medication for many year, and I mean many years. They have had him on Niaspan along with the cholesterol medication. He suffers from gout or uric acid buildup in this body and his left ankle is very swollen. I thought once he retired completely, it would go down. Well guess what, it hasn’t. I do a lot of investigating medications and there side-effects since I had cancer. I really don’t want to take synthetic drugs because of what they do to us.
One day I decided to take a look at Niaspan and it’s side effects. Low and behold I see the statement, if you suffer from gout do not take more than 1000 mg a day. Well, his doctor, and I can’t really blame her, had him on 1500 mg a day for a while. I told him to only take 2 pills a day but the damage had already been done. So now he has to wear a brace which I don’t know if it is really doing any good. He now has been taken off Niaspan because they now realize it has no effect on helping cholesterol.
I understand that they want to protect us from heart attack but maybe if these companies and scientist would stop genetically modifying our food and let them naturally do what they are supposed to do maybe we would not have so much disease and obesity in our society.
No wonder antibiotics don’t work on us, we already have so much in our systems from our food that when we do need it for illness, they don’t work.
Right now, my husband is not on any drugs for cholesterol and we have a prescription for something to begin in January. Well not sure I want him taking it because of the side effects. The statement – if you are over 65 years old take with caution because the side effects can be greater than normal. Last spring his doctor put him on a medication- it was said to help his cholesterol and keep his sugar level in a better range. He was on the medication for 3 months and guess what – he gained 45 pounds and now has shortness of breath. The medication he is being asked to take said the side effects of this medication may never go away if you are 65 or older. I wonder if this is the case with this other medicine as those side effects have not gone away either. Having major issues with weight loss no matter what we do. So what do we do?
I think we all need to look at these companies that supply medicine and see and how they are training there sales rep. with regards to side effects. I don’t know if I blame them, I blame the Big Pharma companies. MONEY BEFORE PEOPLE. That’s they way to go.
What are your thoughts?

Well Has Run Dry

Allow me to say first and foremost, This post is my own opinion.  I feel the need these days to say this as people are trying go after others when they say something.

What has happened to our country.  We have freedom of speech but people are putting down others when they express it.  It is much like judgement.  I grew up being raised to be seen and not heard.  Although, I never raised my kids like that.  I respected their opinions whether I agreed with them or not.

Everyone has a opinion or their perspective on things.  I do not ask others to agree or disagree with that.  We all have an opinion about everyday life and what goes not.

So I am going to say something, my opinion, but what do our politicians think they are doing.  They all want money and they keep dipping into our pockets wanting more and more.  We have the Federal Government who dips even before we get a paycheck (1/3%) and then they keep charging us tax after tax.  Then you have our local government – State, County and also School who also dip into your pockets.  And then you have these governments who want pay raises of $14,000.00 and $4,000.00 across the board but when it comes to us we are lucky if we get a 1% raise.  So let me ask,  how are we supposed to continue paying for your big raises when we are not getting anything close to that.

Our pockets are running dry quickly.  We need to step back and take a look at all of the people who are dipping and start getting rid of them.  When is someone going to step and stop the madness.

While I appreciate people’s opinions, I don’t always agree.  People are becoming more and more aggressive with other people.  Just like yesterday, I was in a store waiting to be helped by Customer Service and a person came up behind me and asked me if I was waiting.  First of all why would I be standing where I was standing if I was not waiting.  Then the person asked why I did not move up closer, like that was going to make a difference and I just said, whats’s the big deal.  When I got helped I move to the counter and I thought the woman was going t jump in my back pocket.  Personal space all.

Things are going crazy in this country and we all need to take a deep breath and step back.  Things, in my opinion, are not going in the right direction but the wrong direction.  What kind of roll models are we being for the younger generation.

I think we need to take a look at our prescription drugs and what they do to our human brains.  They definitely change our brains and are causing more problems then anything else.  I wonder if these brain changing drugs are a lot of the cause of the mental health issues in this country.  Why don’t we start looking at that.  Oh I forgot – Money before people.  That, I guess is our new country motto. MONEY BEFORE ANYTHING ESPECIALLY PEOPLE.

Let me hear your thoughts.

Make your Journey count

Take everyday as a new beginning.  When you wake up, take a few minutes to think about what you want to have happen today.  Be grateful for the chance to start all over and do things better today than you did yesterday.

Reflect on what happen yesterday but don’t let it define you.  Let it go and know that things today will be better than yesterday.  Take responsibility for your choices and know that you made them for a reason.  We all make choices based on two things.  Love and Fear.  Don’t allow fear to keep you from doing things.

I believe that we spend the first 10 to 12 years of our lives looking to others for everything.  We are also taught to listen to our parents, our teachers and everyone else who looks after us.  When we reach our teenage years, we rebel thinking that we know how to do things and want to be able to try to take responsibility for our lives.  We get push back.  I feel that is where we are considered rebellious teens.  I believe that when the kids reach that age, we as parents then see how well we did at parenting.  The way our kids behave in the world is a great reflection of how we parented.  I know I will probably get feedback that I might not like, but we all have our own opinions and everyone should be allowed to have one.

I grew up in a to be seen and not heard environment and I chose to allow my kids to express their opinions.  Yes I might not have agreed with it but they should be allowed to have them.  I valued their opinion and let them know that much.  I gave my kids respect and they gave me respect in return.  I wanted to give my kids the best headstart that I could.  Did I always, probably not, but parenting does not come with an instruction manual.  You kind of flying by the seat of your pants and hope for the best.

The greatest joy I get everyday is seeing my kids achieve their dreams and I know that I am making my journey count but seeing them achieve. Until next time.

Mr. Toad’s wild ride

Wow – so much as gone on since my last post in July. I am not really tech savvy  and actually could not find my own blog.  I know you are saying, Really, well I did.  Go ahead, laugh, its okay because I am doing the same thing as I write.

Life has been so busy and I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is next week.  I believe and my opinion ( really need to put that in there) is that we all need to educate ourselves to become better people.  But I will say that I educate myself everyday so that I become a better person.  For me that is what it is all about.

I want to be an inspiration to my children every minute or everyday and I believe that if I can educate myself and become a better person, I can inspire my children to become better people themselves.  I have always believed that encouraging my children will help them to live the life of their dreams.  So far, so good.


I recently posted on facebook something that I really believe in.  Here it is:

Okay guys, I have an observation and this is my opinion. After seeing things over the last few days I have come to believe that their are two types of people in this world.

l. A person who lives their life with their heart on their sleeve, being compassionate and understanding of the people in their lives and around them. The thing is – don’t take that as a sign of weakness and then take advantage of me.

2. A person who lives their life from their ego. In my opinion the only thing they are interested in is what is in it for them. They have a sense of entitlement and this world and everything in it owes them something.

I personally would rather deal with the person who lives their life with their heart on their sleeve.
If you don’t agree with me that’s fine. We all have the right to our own opinion and that is something no one can ever take away from you.
So if you are one of them, take your right hand and put in on your left shoulder and pat yourself on your own back. You did a good job!!!!!

I know that there will be a lot of people who don’t agree and that’s okay. I like living my life with compassion and not putting down, destroying another person’s confidence.

I had a bit of an epiphany this morning – I was raised to be seen and not heard growing up and I now understand why it drives me crazy now when I voice my opinion, I get attacked for my opinion.  Judgement from others can be absolutely incredible.  I had that happen on Facebook one day when I voiced a comment (my opinion, but did not preface my comment with it is my opinion).  I guess that is what we need to start doing everyday with everything we say or do.


I truly believe in being held accountable and taking personal responsibility.  Those two words are much hated words because not many believe in them.  I believe in living my life with integrity and taking responsibility for my life.

Give some thought to my words and until next time.


Woman on a mission

cover-mlsWe all know what a woman is like when she is on a mission in life.  Well I am on that mission.  My mission is to improve my health no matter what  they send my way.  It is my body and I will make the decisions  I need to.There is no one that has the right to tell me other wise.

You will get to know me, either personally, professionally or we will just meet somewhere. One place you will get to know me is through this blog. I am a very friendly, compassionate person and I believe that this country needs  more people like me. I also am very passionate about what I believe in.  I do not ask others to believe the way I do, but I do have an opinion.  I grew up being told that I was to be seen and not heard.  I felt that no one valued my opinion and never expressed it as it was not heard.  I have always told my children that they can express their opinions.  Not that I always agreed with them, but I let them express it.

So we all know or maybe only some of us, that a certain company, which will remain nameless at this time has been pushing their products on us causing ill health, cancer, diabetes, obesity and then they pass it off on all of the people and the school lunches as the problem.  Believe me, the school lunches are not the problem.  But we won’t go there now.  So with these products, they are causing ill health in many people.

If you have not educated yourself on this problem, then you need to start.  Or maybe not.  Whatever you chose.  If you have children, then now is the time to improve their health.  They say it takes a village to raise our children, so I am asking that you educate yourself on nutrition and improving not only yourself but your kids.

I recently came in contact with a company, Water Liberty.  The have a patented product called Life Miracles.  It is a laundry system and the best part is you don’t have to purchase laundry detergent, so guess what you save money.  More money for your family.  If you don’t know about laundry detergent, then look it up and see all of the chemicals and everything you don’t need in laundry detergent.

If you decide you would like this system for your machine, send me a message and I can send the information to you.  The only thing you need to know, if you are not using your own machine, you need to take the system out of the washing machine after using it.

Hopes and dreams of the summer

Now that father’s day and mother’s day is over, we all start to really think about what we want to do for the summer.  School for some has been out a while and for others, it is just getting done.  We all spend our summers trying to do things a little different.

I would like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Father’s day and to all of those mother’s out there that are doing double duty for their kids.  Happy Father’s day to you also.  We are all know that there are some fathers out their that have not taken responsibility for their children.  Sad as they may be, the kids are lucky to have a mother who is willing to do double duty for them.  My husband is a divorced father but mom had custody of the kids.  He paid his child support and then also had two other children.  I really felt it necessary for him to pay child support.

If you do not have custody of your children at least try to be a part of your child’s life.  You do not realize what you are doing to your kids by staying away.  If you don’t see them very often, then try as much as you can to be a part of the life even if you have to push.  In the long run they will appreciate you for it.

Let’s make this a summer of get together’s even if you are apart from your parent.  If you are long distance, they have Skype where you can get on a computer and at least have a conversation with your child to brighten up their day.  This will make there day and their life just a little bit better.

Until next time and if you want to start a conversation, just comment.  Thanks.

When do you say Enough is Enough?

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  Are you saying to yourself that Enough is Enough and I need a change?  We I did and I have begun living that new change.  I have always been willing to educate myself everyday.  Not that that was always the case, but now it is.  Never realized how important education was until now.  If you want to move forward and grow in your life then, you need to educate yourself. One of my many goals in life, is to learn one thing new everyday.  If I can learn more than awesome.  On most days, I learn more than one but I am always looking for some tidbit to add to my brain.

I have been on a personal mission to improve myself for over 8 years now.  What an awesome journey it has been.  Especially since I retired in 2014, I have really pumped up that mission.  I know that I am here on this earth for a reason and I want to find out.  Something is drawing me.  They always say that when you need a teacher, one will appear.  That has been the case for me.  Books are a big part of my life.  Never enjoyed reading in school because it was what they wanted me to read.  Now that I get the choose, the skies the limit.

I have also been extremely interested in what we are eating.  In my family we have changed the way we eat tremendously.

My husband and I now go to the farmer’s market every week and we support the local farmers.  Getting fresh food to cook at home has been very rewarding for us.  You know what they say “Happy Wife – Happy Life”.  That is the case for my husband as I cook – he eats.  There are many things that I am getting him to do now a days.  I bring it to him and tell here take this or eat this.  He nods and does what I say.  I also do it in a very nice fashion as I want to keep him alive.  The better his health the longer I will have him.  We have been married 30 1/2 years, never thought we would make it to that, but yes we did. He is my best friend, etc. etc.

When have you gotten to the point where you have had enough and want to make changes in your life? If you have experienced that in your  comment and let me know your experience.  I would really love to make this a very interactive blog where you can show your experience.  Remember there is no judgement.

Let’s break the…

Let’s break the cycle of our lives. Not happy with things in our life? Not happy with who you are?
Then lets break the cycle and step outside our comfort zone.