Monthly Archives: April 2016

Update on Big Pharma

Well, we finally had the new set of blood work done on my husband.  With everything that we have done, medications, vitamins, diet, exercise, ionic foot baths.  His levels have come down considerably.

As far as diet, we cut out beef, pork.  We only have chicken, turkey and some fish.  The chicken and turkey is organic. I am careful with the vegetables I cook.  We eat a lot of salad for lunch and we really don’t go out much to eat.

If you have never gone for a ionic foot bath, try it out because it removes toxins from your body.  A better functioning body helps with daily function. I believe, detoxing your body and organs helps your body function better. An ionic foot bath, with a little research on your part, would be found at a spa or wellness center.  I am fascinated how they work.  It is simple and easy and very relaxing.

As much as I would love to see my husband not be on these drugs, he really does not have a choice.  I need at this time to pick my battles.  Once on drugs, always on drugs.

Update on our life with Big Pharma

So my husband’s doctor took him off the cholesterol medication was he was on.  Asked him to take a new drug in January, which I felt was dangerous due to the side-effects.  Started him on Red Rice Yeast.  He went for blood work and boy what a shock.

His cholesterol and triglycerides were dangerously high.  He had no chance but the start the medication from January and she added another medication for the triglycerides. She told him to only eat chicken and vegetables and fruit. I am only giving him organic as GMO is of no help to him.

He just went for blood work this morning and will be going to the doctor next week to get the results. I am hoping for only good news?  We will see.

I have had us go for ionic foot baths the past two weeks and we will see how that helps him. For those of you who do not know what an ionic foot bath is – it pulls toxins out of your body through the bottom of your feet.  It is awesome and well worth it.  We are subject to so many toxins now that our bodies just cant handle it.

We us good luck and say prayers for him.  I will keep you posted as to what happens.