Mr. Toad’s wild ride

Wow – so much as gone on since my last post in July. I am not really tech savvy  and actually could not find my own blog.  I know you are saying, Really, well I did.  Go ahead, laugh, its okay because I am doing the same thing as I write.

Life has been so busy and I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is next week.  I believe and my opinion ( really need to put that in there) is that we all need to educate ourselves to become better people.  But I will say that I educate myself everyday so that I become a better person.  For me that is what it is all about.

I want to be an inspiration to my children every minute or everyday and I believe that if I can educate myself and become a better person, I can inspire my children to become better people themselves.  I have always believed that encouraging my children will help them to live the life of their dreams.  So far, so good.


I recently posted on facebook something that I really believe in.  Here it is:

Okay guys, I have an observation and this is my opinion. After seeing things over the last few days I have come to believe that their are two types of people in this world.

l. A person who lives their life with their heart on their sleeve, being compassionate and understanding of the people in their lives and around them. The thing is – don’t take that as a sign of weakness and then take advantage of me.

2. A person who lives their life from their ego. In my opinion the only thing they are interested in is what is in it for them. They have a sense of entitlement and this world and everything in it owes them something.

I personally would rather deal with the person who lives their life with their heart on their sleeve.
If you don’t agree with me that’s fine. We all have the right to our own opinion and that is something no one can ever take away from you.
So if you are one of them, take your right hand and put in on your left shoulder and pat yourself on your own back. You did a good job!!!!!

I know that there will be a lot of people who don’t agree and that’s okay. I like living my life with compassion and not putting down, destroying another person’s confidence.

I had a bit of an epiphany this morning – I was raised to be seen and not heard growing up and I now understand why it drives me crazy now when I voice my opinion, I get attacked for my opinion.  Judgement from others can be absolutely incredible.  I had that happen on Facebook one day when I voiced a comment (my opinion, but did not preface my comment with it is my opinion).  I guess that is what we need to start doing everyday with everything we say or do.


I truly believe in being held accountable and taking personal responsibility.  Those two words are much hated words because not many believe in them.  I believe in living my life with integrity and taking responsibility for my life.

Give some thought to my words and until next time.


About allisonturenchalk931

Night Dispatcher three days a week from home. An Independent Distributor for Sisel International and Kaffe. I also retired from my job with the local School District after many years. View all posts by allisonturenchalk931

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