Hopes and dreams of the summer

Now that father’s day and mother’s day is over, we all start to really think about what we want to do for the summer.  School for some has been out a while and for others, it is just getting done.  We all spend our summers trying to do things a little different.

I would like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Father’s day and to all of those mother’s out there that are doing double duty for their kids.  Happy Father’s day to you also.  We are all know that there are some fathers out their that have not taken responsibility for their children.  Sad as they may be, the kids are lucky to have a mother who is willing to do double duty for them.  My husband is a divorced father but mom had custody of the kids.  He paid his child support and then also had two other children.  I really felt it necessary for him to pay child support.

If you do not have custody of your children at least try to be a part of your child’s life.  You do not realize what you are doing to your kids by staying away.  If you don’t see them very often, then try as much as you can to be a part of the life even if you have to push.  In the long run they will appreciate you for it.

Let’s make this a summer of get together’s even if you are apart from your parent.  If you are long distance, they have Skype where you can get on a computer and at least have a conversation with your child to brighten up their day.  This will make there day and their life just a little bit better.

Until next time and if you want to start a conversation, just comment.  Thanks.

About allisonturenchalk931

Night Dispatcher three days a week from home. An Independent Distributor for Sisel International and Kaffe. I also retired from my job with the local School District after many years. View all posts by allisonturenchalk931

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